The Annual International Conference Laser Physics 2023
organized by the Institute for Physical Research (
IPR) of NAS of Armenia will be held on
12–15 September 2023, in Ashtarak, Armenia.
The Conference is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founder of the Institute for Physical Research, Professor Mikael Ter-Mikaelyan, a Member of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, and the 80th anniversary of the foundation of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia.
As usual, Laser Physics 2023 program will cover all aspects of laser physics with a focus on new and exciting developments and results in physics of coherent light sources, nonlinear and quantum optics, matter waves, laser spectroscopy of atoms and condensed matter, laser instrumentation, inorganic crystals growth and thin film preparation for quantum electronics and integral optics, photonics, optical properties of nanostructures and luminescent materials, as well as related fields.
Topics of interest for submission of reports include but are not limited to:
- Lasers, New Laser Technologies and Applications
- Optical and Scintillating Materials, Characterization Methods and Techniques
- Light-Matter Interaction, Including Resonant Interaction with Atoms
- Laser-Assisted Surface Effects
- Nonlinear Optics and Novel Phenomena
- Spectroscopy for Characterization of Materials
- Laser Spectroscopy and Mathematical Modelling
- Physical Optics, Atomic Physics
- Optical Magnetometry
- Quantum Optics and Matter Waves
- Quantum Information
- Optical Properties of Structured Media, Micro and Nano-Optics
- Optoelectronics
- Photonics, Photonic Systems, Biophotonics
- Optical Sensors
- Graphene for Photonics
- Holography and Imaging
- Rafael Drampyan (IPR) - Chairman
- David Sarkisyan (IPR)
- Pavel Muzhikyan (IPR)
- Gayane Grigoryan (IPR)
- Artur Ishkhanyan (IPR)
- Edvard Kokanyan (IPR)
- Radik Kostanyan (IPR)
- Armen Melikyan (Instutute of Applied Problems of Physics)
- Atom Muradyan (Yerevan State University)
- Roman Allahverdyan (Yerevan State University)
- Aram Papoyan (IPR)
- Ashot Petrosyan (IPR)
- Astghik Kuzanyan (IPR) - conference scientific secretary
- Pavel Muzhikyan (IPR)
- Lusine Tsarukyan (IPR)
- Emil Gazazyan (IPR)
- Astghik Ghazaryan (IPR)
- Ariga Arakelyan (IPR)
- Mariam Gevorgyan (IPR)
- Charles Adams (Durham University, UK)
- Marcis Auzinsh (University of Latvia, LV)
- Dmitry Budker (JGU Mainz, DE)
- Christophe Dujardin (Institut Lumière Matière, FR)
- Ron Folman (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, IL)
- Wojciech Gawlik (Jagiellonian University, PL)
- Claude Leroy (Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne, FR)
- Emilio Mariotti (University of Siena, Siena, Italy)
- Tigran Vartanyan (ITMO University, RU)
- Gagik Gurzadyan (Dalian University of Technology, CN)
- Vadim Parfenov (St.Petersburg Electrotechnical University, RF)
- Alexey Kavokin (Russian Quantum Center, RF)
All correspondence concerning the Conference should be addressed to the Secretary:
Dr. Astghik Kuzanyan
The conference will be held at the Institute for Physical Research in Ashtarak, Armenia ( Ashtarak is a small town situated twenty-six kilometers northwest of Yerevan. All guests will be transported from their Yerevan hotels to Ashtarak and back every day by the Conference bus.
- Prof. Ara APKARIAN (University of California at Irvine (UCI), USA),
Atomically Confined Photons
- Prof. Kenji KATAYAMA (Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan),
Local Charge Carrier Dynamics of Photocatalytic Materials Using the Pattern-illumination Time-resolved Phase Microscopy
- Prof. Heidi OTTEVAERE (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium),
Biophotonics at Brussels Photonics and its Applications in Life Science and Medicine
- Prof. Christophe DUJARDIN (Institut Lumière Matière, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France)
Nanoscintillators: Curiosity or Real Applications?
- Prof. Marcis AUZINSH (University of Latvia, Latvia)
Application for 3D Magnetometry of the Dynamic 14N Nuclear Spin Polarization and Cross-relaxation in Nitrogen-vacancy Centers in Diamond
All time

LP 2023